Keto Egg Fast Menu – Day 1
For some reason over the weekend, I was struck by the desire to do the Egg Fast again.
The Keto Egg Fast Diet is very easy to follow and you get great results fast, but you really need to be in the proper frame of mind to do it. And for me that day is today!
Because so many people in the group ask for examples I decided to document my Egg Fast meal plan here on my blog.
I will try to be as detailed as possible and include pictures and the egg fast recipes. They won’t be fancy pictures, just quick snapshots with my phone!
This Egg Fast meal plan will also be compliant with the egg fast rules we go by in the Facebook group so there is no confusion! I will list every spice/sweetener/sauce thing I use.
Get resources to help you succeed on the Egg Fast Diet:
See 3 Days of Egg Fast Meals in this video on my YouTube channel:
For those that need a refresher, here are the Keto Egg Fast rules and here is the Egg Fast FAQ.
Remember, I am arranging this egg fast to fit my very busy working mom schedule! I am sharing a breakdown of times to give you ideas, not to tell you this is how it must be done.
For Day 1, I planned an egg fast meal plan of 8 eggs because I knew that I would be hungrier on the first day. And if 8 eggs are not enough, I will simply have an extra egg as a snack (with butter of course!).
Summary Menu for Egg Fast Day 1
Remember, this is just a sample of what I ate, adjust the menu for your own personal tastes! The details and number of eggs/fats are below.
- Egg Fast Coffee (see below) or Egg Fast Shake
- Omelette with Cream cheese
- Cheese string with Mayo
- Egg Salad
- Egg Fast Waffles
Egg Fast Meal Plan – Day 1 Details
5:30am: 16 ounces coffee with 1 tbsp coconut oil and 1 tbsp butter. Put in the blender with a dash of cinnamon and a dash of pink himalayan salt. Blend until frothy.

Cooked my breakfast and made my lunch, both of which I carry to work with me in my insulated lunch bag.
Note: Salt is extremely important on the egg fast! Use it liberally! I choose Pink Himalayan salt because it is abundant in minerals.
8:00am: 3 egg omelette with 2 ounces cream cheese and a squirt of sriracha sauce, salt and pepper. I used 1 tbsp butter for cooking in the pan. This is easily my favorite egg fast breakfast. I have this 2-3 times a week even when I am not egg fasting!

11:00am: 1 cheese string with 1 tbsp mayo for dipping.
1:00pm: 3 chopped eggs with 2 tbsp mayo, salt, pepper. I normally also like a sprinkle of smoked paprika on this but I couldn’t find it this morning!
At this point in the day I have had 6 eggs, 6 tbsp fat and 3 ounces cheese. I like to stay under 4 ounces cheese in a day for best results and for sure a maximum of 6 ounces.

5:00pm: Waffles. Yes, waffles! :-) Click here for the waffle instructions. The waffles recipe normally equals 2 eggs and 2 ounces cheese.
But I whipped 1 tablespoon mayo into the batter so that I would not be short on my egg-fat ratio for the day and left out 1 ounce cream cheese. (Thanks fellow group admin Vee Henrick for that priceless tip!)
I made a butter sauce with 1 tbsp butter and 1 tbsp sugar free salted caramel syrup, my indulgence for the day’s hard work. :-)
I also highly recommend Skinny Syrups, they have so many flavors! Sometimes I mix the skinny syrup right into the waffle batter, yummy!
I doubled the waffle recipe because I will be making a Wafflewich for dinner tomorrow. You’ll see.
Total for the day: 8 Eggs, 8 tbsp fat and 4 ounces cheese. And of course, throughout the day I am drinking water, water and more water!
Check out more Egg Fast Recipes!
Want more Egg Fast recipes? You've come to the right place, we have the best ones here! Check them out! Keto Egg Drop soup is one of the fastest and easiest low carb meals you can make! Yet it's so good for keto flu as well as the Egg Fast. Cheesy air fryer egg bites can also be made in the oven! This delicious keto egg fast recipe is keto, low carb and carnivore too! Keep in the fridge for a fast snack or make a meal of them! Fast and simple low carb pumpkin spice waffles that make a great keto snack or even a meal! Top with the optional maple butter and you are all set for delicious! Dairy Free and Egg Fast Approved! This super easy cheese pizza is crust free and nut free. Comes together in less than 30 minutes. It is also Egg Fast compatible. For regular Keto, add pepperoni and veggies as desired! These lemon cheesecake fat bombs are not only keto, they are egg fast approved! Forget Starbucks, make your own Egg Bites with the Instant Pot! Doing the Egg Fast but don't want to miss out on Pumpkin Spice season and goodies? We've got you covered with these Egg Fast Pumpkin Spice Muffins! The muffin is delicious alone for a dairy free egg fast meal or go ahead and top it with cream cheese frosting for a decadent egg fast treat! Simple but elegant Egg Puffs can be used on the keto Egg Fast or dressed up for a nice low carb brunch treat. Only 2-3 ingredients! All the best keto egg fast tools, gadgets and resources! How to go back to Keto and NOT gain back the weight.More Egg Fast Recipes to Try
Keto Egg Drop Soup with Egg Fast version
Keto Air Fryer Egg Bites
Egg Fast Pumpkin Spice Waffles with Maple Butter
Low Carb Skillet Cheese Pizza (Keto and Egg Fast)
Egg Fast Lemon Cheesecake Fat Bombs
Instant Pot Sous Vide Egg Bites for the Egg Fast!
Egg Fast Pumpkin Spice Muffins
Keto Egg Fast Egg Puffs
Egg Fast Cooking Utensils, Tools and Resources
How to Transition from Egg Fast back to Keto LCHF
Hi quick question plz answer cani replace all of the cheese in this diet with ceam cheese and can i have 4 eggs and 4 tbsp of fat instead of 6 eggs and 6 tbsp fat i wanna start it tomorrow so can u plz answer quickly
To get enough protein you should have 6 eggs minimum. And yes, you can have cream cheese instead of regular cheese. Cheese is optional so you can even skip it altogether if you want.
Hi, Patty here. I am just starting and I can’t find the egg salad recipe!! It all looks so delicious!! Also, what does the B.P.C. stand for?? Thank you so much !
Hi, I described things as the day went along, here is the egg salad: 1:00pm: 3 chopped eggs with 2 tbsp mayo, salt, pepper.
BPC = Bullet Proof Coffee. It’s just a term we use to describe coffee with fat in it! I used to like whipping my coffee with 1 tbsp butter and 1 tbsp coconut oil and a dash of sweetener because it was like drinking a latte.
Hi. I’m in the keto for women over 50 program and love it eating foods I thought I would never eat. I’ve been on it since MY 1 and have lost 17 lbs. and wish it were more should I try the egg fast or should I wait a little longer to give my body more time to adjust. It’s been two weeks and I haven’t lost anything Not sure if that’s a plateau or just my body still adjusting How much time should I give it before I try the egg fast. Love your blog have learned so much. Oh I use the turbo creamer rapid fire in my coffee but I don’t drink coffee everyday only when my meal
Plan called for it. Could that be my problem
Hi there! Well technically 2 weeks is not a stall, it’s very likely that your body is adjusting to it’s new weight, congratulations on that! I would maybe give it a couple more weeks and see what happens before trying the egg fast, but really it’s up to you. We always wish it was more but 17lbs is a great result! I’m not familiar with the creamer that you mentioned so I can’t really say, but I CAN tell you that I now drink my coffee black (and love it!) because I struggled so much with cream and I just couldn’t make any more progress with it in my life. That’s part of my story, hopefully it won’t be yours though! :-) Thanks for reading my blog!
Can I do the 16-8 intermittent fast on the egg fast? Not eat my first egg until about 12 and I get up at 6:30? Thank you.
Yes! You absolutely can!
What coffee do you use plesse
I prefer a dark roast coffee so I buy whatever is the best price of a can of ground dark roast coffee and brew it at home with a simple pour over pot and filter.
Can the Egg Fast diet dehydrate you?
Any diet can dehydrate you if you don’t drink enough fluids. The usual 8-10 glasses of water daily applies here as well.
Just made these waffles for supper! Very good!
awesome, so happy you like them! Thanks for your feedback!
My husband and I started the Keto way of life (notice, I did not say Diet….diets never work long term, you must have a change of the way you eat!!) about four months ago. His doctor told him he had to loose weight or he WILL be on insulin. As of today he has lost around 50 lbs and I have acquired my goal weight! He has reached a stall in his progress, so we have decided to try the Egg Fast. Your blogs and recipes have totally inspired me to help him out!! Of course, as a supportive wife, I will be doing this with him! I’ll let you know how well it does for him. I am so very proud of him.
awww, I love this, thankyou so much! Stalls are common as your body does sometimes need time to adjust, but if they go on and on I find the egg fast is a good reboot! best of luck!
Hi! I’m so glad I found this blog! I have a work friend who does the keto diet and she looks amazing even after giving birth to her first child. Anyway, I’m looking for advice on going Keto since I have heart disease. I’m supposed to limit salt because of my blood pressure. Although my bp is fine now and I’m on bp meds, I’m concerned with adding more salt to my diet. Is this really a necessary step or can I just go along like I’ve been? I don’t eat low sodium foods, I just don’t add salt to anything – never really have.
we don’t want you doing anything that goes against doctor’s orders. Most people find they need more salt while doing keto, your situation might be different. It’s really more of an electrolyte issue when doing keto so just let how you are feeling be your guide. Take a read of this article about keto flu and consider adding the Calm drink to your routine. I know many women with BP and heart issues take this supplement. It helps with all sorts of related issues such as balances calcium intake, restores healthy magnesium levels, helps your muscles and nerves function properly, keeps your heart rhythm steady and supports a healthy immune system. I take it almost every night (when I remember!).
Today is my second day doing a bullet proof coffee with coconut oil and butter. I’m not sure the oil is agreeing with me. Can I use 2 tablespoons of butter instead?
Absolutely! Coconut oil has a natural laxative effect and for some people (I’m one of them!) that natural effect is slightly more, shall we say pronounced?
hi so basically if you do egg fast you cant do intermitent fasting? thank you
You can do intermittent fasting with egg fast, many people do that with great results. You still want to get a minimum of 6 eggs so that you get enough protein.
i want to start this since i am stalled on my keto diet. and two things id like to ask. if i dont do the butter/coconut oil in my coffee can i replace it with small heavy whipping cream? or will that beat the purpose of egg fast and im guessing i cant really add any usual hot sauce correct when i first start this? i guess i can slowly try the butter coffee but a little afraid of it ahaha.
You actually don’t have to put anything in your coffee at all, it’s not mandatory. But if you hate black coffee, then give the butter/coconut oil thing a try. If you whip up 16 oz of coffee and 1 tbsp each of butter and coconut in a blender with a little sweetener, it will taste just like a latte. No heavy cream required! You would be surprised how many people come to realize that the reason they stalled in their keto weight loss is due to things like too much heavy cream, too many nuts and processed keto foods. Give it a try!
I know I’m a few months late to the scene, but maybe you haven’t tried the bulletproof coffee yet. I was actually quite surprised when I first tried it. Mix it up in a blender and it really is delicious, even if it does sound disgusting. ;-)
can you add and egg to your bpc
Yes, you certainly can!
Another quick question, can you add apple cider vinegar or lemon juice (I CAN’T drink water without it) to your water while doing the egg fast.
What about taking Psyllium husk supplements?
Thank you
Ketowoman – I’m SO happy to have found your blog! Thank you so much for sharing your experiences, and wealth of information!
I am getting close to 60 now, and like most women my age, the weight just isn’t coming off like it used to. I’ve been on and off Low-carb and Keto for years, and I’m finding it more difficult to lose the last 20 or so pounds (gained it and then some during the “off” season!)
Re a bulletproof morning coffee, which I LOVE, can I substitute 1 Tbsp coconut cream in my coffee in lieu of the coconut oil when blending the coffee with butter? Even this, for me, is a compromise because I’m fairly addicted to heavy cream in my coffee (which is likely a cause of my weight loss stall…..)
I can’t even imagine having coffee without some type of creamer, and I assume coconut cream is a better choice than heavy cream?
Well Peggy, being that we are the age that we are, nobody tells us what to do! At least that’s how I am, lol. Technically the coconut cream is not egg fast compliant, but at least it’s dairy free. But the problem with HWC as well as full fat coconut cream is the fat and calories. For women our age, these things actually *DO* matter if we want to lose weight. People that say calories and fat don’t matter, well they are young people with better metabolisms. These days, when I’m not on the egg fast, I am using unsweetened coconut milk in my coffee and I am perfectly content with that. But it *was* a journey. You are talking to someone here who had 2-3 tbsp of HWC in several cups of coffee every day (along with 2-3 sweeteners each time). That kept me stuck for so long. Wean yourself away in whatever way it takes for you and you won’t regret it, I promise!
I needed to hear what you’re saying…
My BIGGEST problem is the HWC in my coffee – DAILY along with a generous amount of sweetener (homemade SF vanilla syrup made with monk fruit/erythritol) In my heart Ive known all along this is my problem, and you hit the nail on the head sister! I think I need to slowly wean off of both, or at least get to the point where its very very limited. They are truly an addiction for me :( It’s inevitable I do this if I want all my efforts to pay off…
That’s good to hear! Your efforts *will* pay off. My brother in law cut the cream in his coffee and lost 25 pounds without even changing anything else. And it’s been a huge factor for me as well in getting to my lowest weight in years. We’ve got this!
I have a question regarding HWC. I mean butter is just over whipped cream. So wouldn’t HWC just count as a fat? What’s the difference if I use butter in bpc or hwc in coffee?
Do we also count that tbsp of oil and butter from our keto coffee?
yes, absolutely! Whatever you ingest and however you ingest it, it is counted!
I am starting the egg fast but I can’t do cheese. Any other suggestions to sub the cheese? I am lactose intolerant.
The cheese is optional and most people have better results when they leave it out. The only substitute is more eggs and fats. In any of the recipes that call for cheese (such as the waffles or muffins) simply substitute 1 tbsp mayo for each ounce of cheese.
Do you count 1/2 egg waffle as 2 cheeses and 2 eggs no fats , add 1 T syrup s/f and 1 T butter. I did use cream cheese in this receipe, but I thought I read you count cream cheese as a allotment for your cheese per day. Is that right?sometimes I fry an egg and put on top of waffle, then I believe it’s a count of 3 eggs 2 cheese count for 1/2 waffle
Cream cheese is counted as cheese for the egg fast. The waffles are made with 2 eggs and 2 ounces cream cheese, so if you made them that way and ate the whole thing then it is 2 eggs and 2 cheese. If you add butter on top, then count whatever you add. I’m not sure what you mean by 1/2 waffle? If you are eating half the recipe, then divide by 2. Hope that clarifies!
Hi there. Can I modify this fast by eating the amount of equal fat to egg count but keeping it within the 1,200 calorie range?
It’s not necessary to be that low for the few days the fast lasts. However if you are determined, 6 eggs plus 6 tablespoons of fat is approximately 1100 calories. That said, we hear from members of the egg fast FB group that they get best results from eating 7-8 eggs plus equal fats.
What if you’re REALLY short and that’s just too many calories for your BMR? I intermittent fast and don’t eat until late afternoon.
6 eggs + 6 tbsp fat is approximately 1100 calories. You will just have to try it out within your own parameters and see if you can make it work. Lots of people do IF and egg fast.
Hello. I really am interested in starting the Keto diet. I see a problem though. I don’t like cream cheese. I see a lot of ur recipes call for cream cheese or blue cheese or feta. I like mozzarella or provolone or melted yellow cheese. What can I do with that
You are commenting on a post for the Egg Fast, so I’m hoping that you are not thinking that the Egg Fast is a typical ‘keto diet’ because it’s not! But that said, cheese is not a requirement on Keto and it’s not a requirement on the Egg Fast either. It’s just there to make the very limited Egg Fast menu more interesting. For Keto, focus on whole natural fats, proteins and veggies. Don’t even look at the egg fast until you have been following keto for awhile and have hit a weight loss plateau. Good luck!
Can we drink the sugar free drink mixes like Crystal Light?
Yes, but keep in mind that sweeteners are often the reason people have stalled in their weight loss and so sweeteners are limited to 3 servings a day in total. You would have to count the Crystal Light accordingly. Good luck!
What is considered a serving of sweetener? 1 oz? 1 Tbsp? I’m doing my 3rd egg fast right now. I am on day two and this is the first time that I have had a gain in the first day. 0.2 lb gain. Hoping for better results tomorrow morning after day 2.
For the purposes of the eggfast you can consider a serving to be either 1 can of diet soda or other sugar free drink, or 1 packet artificial sweetener or 1 serving of an egg fast recipe that contains sweeteners. This represents a major cutback for most people, I know for myself this was very hard but I learned that I was consuming way more ‘sweets’ than I would have thought and I was completely dependent on them which is not good. Most people don’t realize that this pattern sets them up for that constant craving for something sweet and this makes a lifestyle change very hard. Good luck!
I have been on the egg fast since last Monday today is Saturday I have lost 5 pounds in 5 days but do you have any suggestions 4 heartburn/ acid indigestion
Yes, try a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water, works every time!
And great results, congrats!
Hi mike I also get severe heart burn from eggs nothing helps like its to the point of throwing up and feeling like I am dying so decided to try something I see on line a lot and that is 2 tablespoons of braggs raw apple cider vinegar in 1/2 cup water within an hour it was gone it has helped alot taste like crap but if you just pound it .. Its worth it I can ger past the taste to feel better.I have been on so many different meds that havent helped this has really made a difference
Can I️ eat avocado for fat
Avocado is a great keto food, one of my favorites. But the egg fast is super restrictive and avo is not on the list!
Thank you for the idea of a keto-day. I did it today and the meals were delicious and so easy to make. I had a hard functional training session this morning but I feel great and satisfied.
Thanks a lot from Germany ?
I am new to the EF and the keto diet. My question is, I drink coffee with a sugar free 1 g of fat,2 carbs French Vanilla coffee creamer, (off brand at Walmart, Great Value) is that something I can use, or should I just go to the butter, coconut oil and vanilla extract? and Stevia?, and if yes, should I just do that all the time after I am done with the EF?
I would stay far away from those creamers (check out the list of unpronounceable ingredients on the label). At any rate, not allowed on the egg fast, not even regular keto worthy. Stick with real ingredients even on regular keto.
Hi there! I do not have a waffle maker- is is easy to make the waffles just as pancakes in a pan?
Yes! It is basically the same recipe :-)
Hi KetoWoman,
Thank you for serving as such an “egg”-cellent resource. I have been eating very low carb and keto for some time now. While I understand that a minimum of 6 whole eggs/day should be consumed, is there an upper limit to this value if I am still interested in losing body fat? Thank you :)
It seems that many people in the egg fast facebook group feel that 8 eggs/8 fats area better number for weight loss and getting enough protein. For myself 7-8 eggs were always my average as well. But that said, there is no upper limit as long as you eat only until satisfied and not stuffed.
Hi I’m just a bit confused about the fat part. I don’t like mayo but if I have hard boiled eggs .what’s another fat I can possibly eat. I though cheese was considered a fat. Thank you
On regular low carb, cheese is a fat. For the purpose of the egg fast, cheese is considered a cheese. It is optional and should be severely limited because most people lose better without it. My first choice of fat on the egg fast is butter and second is coconut oil. So those are 2 other options besides mayo.
I’m 73 and my son got me started on keto. I did real good at the beginning lost 19lbs even over holidays but now I’m having a really hard time losing. I have really learned a lot by reading all these questions and answers. Going to try Egg fast am learning what to do here so thank you. Going to use your recipes for it also.
Could you eat a coconut bomb with the hard boiled egg. Are they allowed?
It depends on what else is in it! If it contains egg fast protocol ingredients only, then yes!
I’m so excited that I have found your website! You have great information and great recipes! I’m new to Keto eating…about three months. I’m not 100% faithful as I end up doing mostly LCHF. I lost 6 lb but now at a standstill. I’m going to attempt your egg fast to restart my wt loss. Thanks!! The waffles look yummy!
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. I was wondering if you can put a small amount of dill relish in the egg salad or just mayo?
Personally I would hold off on as many extras as you can until you transition back. Goal #1 of the egg fast is to get the scale moving again after a stall, Goal#2 is to figure out what your stallers/triggers are. It’s like an allergy elimination, you start from ground zero (in this case mostly eggs and butter) and slowly add things back.
Hi just wanted to ask about the cholesterol content. I’ve just started the low carb diet incorporating eggs. I think I will go on the strict eggs fast on alternating week. What is the maximum fat content one should be aiming for on low carbs or the egg diet
The egg fast when followed correctly is 85% fat. That is higher than most low carb programs out there, but this is only for a few days and still lower than the Atkins Fat fast which is in the 90+ % fat range. It really is almost like doing a fat fast. Not worried about cholesterol, mine is fantastic. Those myths about food cholesterol cause high cholesterol have all been debunked, it’s sugar and carbs that you need to worry about.
Regarding Cholesterol in the egg… I never fell for that because years ago, before the egg got such a bashing for Cholesterol and egg white products hit the market, I read an article on eggs. The truth is, there is high cholesterol in the egg yolk. On the other hand, there is tons of lecithin in the egg white. Turns out that lecithin is what attaches to cholesterol and pulls it out of the body … simply said… they had a more scientific way of telling it… but gosh that was about 35 yr. ago when I read that. Anyway, seems the egg is a perfect food!
Yes, I think it’s a perfect food for keto! I never get tired of them!
Hi, KetoWoman.
I saw that you use Sriracha sauce on your egg fast. I love this sauce! But, it definitely has carbs and sugar. Do you think it’s okay for a fast (or even keto)? Thanks!
I actually use it myself, but just a few drops. Luckily a few drops goes a long way!
Hi, I’m starting the egg fast today but I don’t like mayo or butter and definitely no coffee. I had 1 boiled egg immediately I woke up, fried eggs for breakfast and 2 boiled eggs for lunch. I’ll have 2 boiled eggs spiced with chili pepper for dinner. Is this fine? Maybe I’ll use the butter to fry the eggs
Yes, sounds good. The most important thing is to get 1 tbsp of fat for every egg. So you can fry in it, put it on top, put it in your coffee, anything as long as you get it! Good luck :-)
Good morning, I am doing the egg fast starting today(5 day) can you use MCT oil as part of the diet or should I just use coconut oil or butter
Yes you can go ahead and use MCT oil or mayo as well. Good luck!
Hello wondering if we can use stevia for BPC during egg fast? Thanks!
Yes, of course you can! Stevia is a great sweetener. For the egg fast it is recommended to not have more than 3 a day.
Thanks so much! My first day I lost 1.7 lbs. Do you have a workout regiment? Also, I premade the cream cheese muffins. That were so delicious. Oopsie! But I messed up on the recipe, I put 1Tablespoon of Splenda sweetener instead of 1 tsp to grease muffin tins I also used coconut oil spray. Your thoughts?
Awww, you’ll be ok! I am trying to give up my dependancy on sweet things so adjust accordingly. Thanks for visiting my blog!
Hi KetoWoman, thankyou for all the great info, I’m wondering is the Coffee or Tea for the caffeine hit to kick start the body? as I don’t drink and don’t like either, I have in the past drank Coke by the bottles each day, I have gone a whole month with out any at all, just plain old water for me.
No they are completely optional and just there for those who drink coffee! Plain water is great!
Thankyou for your reply have a great day
Which kind of oil can use for mayo?
I would use a light tasting oil like avocado oil.
if i ate hard boiled eggs, how do i get my fat in there? do i need to make up in fat all the ones i missed with my HB eggs?
yes, you want to end the day with an equal amount of eggs to fats. You can have butter or mayo on your hb eggs, you can put the fat in a coffee in a blender, that is quite delicious!
Can I take MCT oil pills with my HB egg to get the fat?
No the egg fast calls for the real actual tablespoon of fat , 1 tbsp per egg. You can take the supplements in addition but not instead of.
Thank You! one more question today is the 3rd day and I feel Pukish after seeing eggs.. Is it normal.
How to avoid this sensation.
If you were not already low carb before then chances are you have what we call Keto Flu! You can use No Salt to get extra potassium or take a magnesium supplement. You can read more about Keto Flu here.
Me again, can I substitute the cofee for black tea ( say Lipton or green tea) with a tsp of coconut oil? Please help
You can have coffee or any type of tea (no sugar added). They are optional, coffee is not required.
Hello. I am willing and set to start the EF. But I don’t like fried egg or any form of it. Please can I substitute it with boiled egg and can I take say two boiled egg dipped in coconut oil with a sprinkle of white pepper? Would it be effective if I keep on boiled eggs for the keto? Please help a desperate sister.
Thank you
You can have your eggs boiled, fried, scrambled, raw, any way you like! You need 1 tbsp of fat for each egg you eat. Good luck!
I don’t drink coffee but I like my tea. Can you do the same ingredients with the tea as you do with the coffee?
Also I am brand new to this whole thing. Did you have to be on a Ketogenic diet before you start this?
Yes, you can do instead of coffee. It helps if you are already low carb/keto/lchf because the egg fast will come with one heck of a carb detox and it won’t be easy! The EF is an extreme version of low carb high fat (LCHF).
Do you have to have BPC? can I just have normal black coffee? X
You can have normal black coffee! On the Egg fast when we say BPC we just mean normal black coffee blended with butter and coconut oil. It’s a convenient way to use up the fats. But you can drink your coffee black and use those fats elsewhere during the day.
If not working out should we eat less eggs than you do?
You should eat enough eggs (plus 1 fat per egg) so that you are full but not stuffed.
someone was told not to use cream in coffee during this egg fast because dairy stalls weightloss. But we are allowed to use cheese, isnt cheese considered dairy?
Yes, and it also stalls many people! Keep it to 4 ounces or less and even that may be too much. If you find yourself not getting the results you think you should get, stick to just eggs and butter during the fast.
Hi I know this is an old post. But i just found this today and here’s my experience. I’m on day 1 of the egg fast. Have been on LCHF for most past of 21/2 months, though, i sometimes binge-eat carbs, Like i did last week. Well, i decided to do the egg fast so i can lose my last 4kgs and move into maintenance mode. I wasnt prepared for the wave of nauseausness i had after my first meal amnd its pretty much stayed for the whole day. Finally, here’s my question, can i do erythritol as sweetner with my egg fast meals.
That nausea is keto flu. many people get it even if they are already low carb because the Egg Fast is 85% fat, it’s like doing a fat fast. You can have up to 3 servings of any sweetener per day.
Read more about Keto flu here.
Good luck!
Thank you for sharing your day to day egg fat routine. I just had an eye opener after reading what you had the first day. I’ve been getting way too much fat, I haven’t taken into consideration the fat that’s in my BPC and sometimes I have two 8OZ cups . I’ve been real sick with nausea, stomach cramps and bathroom woes. I’m gonna try this again the right way.
Thanks, Colleen
Oh I’m glad it makes sense now! Yes, tummy woes, too much fat can do that. Good luck!
Hello ! I am struggling to loose weight I till I found your page . Any advice for staters on this whole journey ? I am so fed up with my weight and can’t seem to stay focused . Please help me . I would love to start egg fast . This looks really simple menu the way you break it down. What after egg fast I am totally new in this . Plzzz help .
Hi, one thing to know about the egg fast is that it is an extreme version of low carb. It is quite likely you will get some pretty good carb detox symptoms that we like to call ‘keto flu’. Most people who do the egg fast are already on a low carb plan or follow that afterwards. Check out some basic info here on Atkins and go from there.
I can’t drink coffee. What can I drink in its place.
You don’t have to drink coffee! If you like tea, drink tea, otherwise stick to water.
what’s the deal with drinking so much water? I love my earl grey tea and could drink it intravenously. I mean a ‘large’ mugful. Would this count for my water levels, surely?? love your tips and tricks.
Yes, I think tea is just fine.
I am following your Day 1 menu. I started with my first egg at 5am, had bpc at 9am and now at 10:30 I am eating the cream cheese omelette which btw is wonderful. I am sooooo full, it’s taking all I have to finish the last few bites! I can see that there will be no hunger here. ..
That’s great, I’m so glad you are giving it a try!
I wonder if you can add coconut oil to the waffles instead of the Mayo- Might give it a nice touch.
I haven’t tried that but yes, could be an interesting way to have it.
I just wanna say thank you! I have broken my stall!!! At last I am losing weight again after months of frustration! I must say that I did not lose a lot of weight (only 2 kilos), but the fact that I did not gain anything back after the egg fast, which I followed for 5 days, makes me feel completely satisfied. Now I eat eggs for breakfast and lunch and have something different for dinner… I also felt great during the egg fast (no dizziness, no hunger, no adverse simptons…). To sum up, from my personal view, it was a huge success! Thank you!
That is awesome, makes me super happy to hear this! :-)
Thanks! You are truly an inspiration. I’ve been living a LCHP way of eating lifestyle since March, have lost from 268 to 226 lbs…thinking about doing this “egg fast” to bump up my weight loss…
Wow, those are amazing results, congratulations! YOU are the inspiration! :-)
Hi there love your posts 1 question can I add egg on my bullet proof coffe?
oh yes, many people do eggs in their BPCs! I just like to eat my eggs. Enjoy! :-)
Thank you so much for posting this! It is beyond helpful!
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Thanks for sharing , but I have a doubt about what kind of sauce I can use, I like to make a spicy sause with dried chile de arbol peppers, cloves of garlic , a little onion, salt , water and a little olive oil. I really love this sauce on my eggs, but I am not sure if is allow under the diet, can you please help me with this?
Have a wonderful night !
Hi Luzy, this is only 3-5 days so it won’t be too long before you get to have your sauce again! You can use a tiny little bit of hot sauce instead, a little goes a long way.
Oki doki, thanks you and yeap I can wait like you say. Have a wonderful day :)
thanks for the post helps seeing other options
Thanks for visiting, more to come tomorrow!